April 14, 2022

Podcasting In The Classroom: How To Promote Student Voice With Podcasting

There's no doubt that podcasts are a great source of entertainment. Whether you're commuting to work, out for a run, or folding laundry, there's always a podcast episode that can keep you engaged. But what about using podcasts in the classroom?

Podcasting is an excellent tool for promoting student voice. When students create their own podcasts, they have an opportunity to share their ideas and opinions with a wider audience. In this article, we'll discuss how to get started with podcasting in the classroom and some ideas for using podcasts to promote student voice.

The Importance of the Student Voice

"The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create." - Barack Obama

As teachers and educators, you have the power to help young people develop their voice and imagination. The student voice is a critical component of a healthy democracy, and it's important for students to have opportunities to share their ideas and opinions.

Podcasting is one way to give your students a voice in the classroom. When students create podcasts, they have an opportunity to share their ideas with a wider audience. They can also use podcasts to develop their writing and communication skills.

So, how can you get started with podcasting in your classroom?

Use Podcasts for Practical Learning

Where once you needed specialized equipment and software to create a podcast, now all you need is a smart phone. This makes podcasting a great project for your students.

There are so many possibilities when it comes to using podcasts for assessment pieces and practical learning. For example, students could:

  • Create a podcast on their course topic
  • Record a book review
  • Interview a classmate about their research project
  • Create a tourism podcast for their town or city
  • Record a holiday greeting in another language

The possibilities are endless! By giving your students the opportunity to create their own podcasts, you can help them develop their voice and imagination.

Use Podcasts for Education

Part of promoting the student voice is providing them with the education they need to be active and informed citizens. Podcasting is a great way to help students learn about the world around them.

Podcasts can be used in a variety of ways to support education, including:

  • As a listening tool for ESL or ELL students
  • To supplement history or social studies lessons
  • As a way to get students interested in a new topic
  • To help students develop research skills

Since some students prefer audio to visual learning, podcasts can be a great way to help all students learn. By using podcasts in the classroom, you can help your students become more engaged and connect with your course content in a new way.

Podcasts for Journalism Classes

If you are a tutor of journalism students, podcasts open the door to a range of new opportunities. Podcasting can help students learn about different aspects of the news industry, such as interviewing techniques, audio editing, and story structure.

Podcasting can also help students develop their writing and communication skills. When students create their own podcasts, they have to write scripts, which helps them develop strong writing skills. They also have to learn how to communicate effectively in order to get their point across in a podcast.

Journalism students can also use podcasts as a way to build their portfolio. By creating a series of podcasts, students can showcase their skills and talent to potential employers.

Ideas for Podcast-Related Assignments

Ready to take your classroom learning to the next level? Here are a few ideas for assignments that will help students get started with podcasting:

  • Have students create a podcast about the current week's course content. This is a great way for students to review the material they have covered and to synthesize their learning.
  • Ask students to choose a current event and create a podcast about it. With this assignment, students will need to do some research and develop their own point of view on the event.
  • Instruct your class to pair up and create a joint podcast. Collaboration is a key skill for journalists, so this assignment will give students the opportunity to work together.
  • Challenge students to create a series of podcasts on a specific topic. This could be anything from history to science to current events.
  • Have students interview someone famous (or not so famous). Interviewing skills are essential for journalists and should be practiced early and often.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to podcasting assignments. You don't need fancy equipment or a lot of experience to get started – all you need is an idea and some students who are willing to give it a try.


Student voices will shape the future of our world, and as such, it is essential that we give them a voice in the classroom. Podcasting is a great way to do just that. It provides students with opportunities to learn, collaborate, and express themselves. 

If you're worried about the logistics, there's no need to fret – Shortcast Club can take care of all the details. With the Shortcast Club app, it's super simple to record 3-minute segments and clip them together later. All you need is a smartphone, either Android or iOS!

For joint projects, students can record segments in their own time and combine them later in a single file. And for those who want to go all out, there's even the option to publish podcasts on iTunes, Spotify, and other platforms. 

There's never been a better time to start podcasting in the classroom. So what are you waiting for?